In a year when Bering Sea crab are continuing to rebound – prompting the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) to boost the quota for a third straight year –strong demand in domestic markets is expected to command robust pricing. “The demand is so strong for snow crab that even though there is […]
The North Pacific Fishery Management Council has approved final action to allow vessels to deliver a partial load of crab and then continue harvesting under the crab rationalization program. The council reasoned during its December meeting in Anchorage, Alaska, that being able to resume fishing after a partial offload could help vessels faced with […]
“If this were an annual health check-up, I think we’d have to say that the Arctic is chronically sick and getting worse.” In addition to warning that “the feedback to accelerating climate change may already be underway,” the U.S. government’s latest report on conditions in the Arctic reveals that temperatures in the region are persistently warming, […]
The 2019 Bristol Bay red king crab fishery has wrapped up with quota of 3,797,000 pounds. Numbers show an average catch per unit effort (CPUE) of 15.6 crab in a pot. The 7.14 pounds average weight per crab is the highest dating back to 1973. That high average weight is a concern, according to Ethan […]