Anchorage, Alaska – Governor Sean Parnell appointed Angela Greene to the Barrow Superior Court.
“Ms. Greene has an excellent legal background with civil and criminal experience,” Governor Sean Parnell said. “Her passion for rural Alaska will make her a great asset to the bench and the community of Barrow.”
Greene, of Nome, came to Alaska in 2004 to pursue cross cultural studies and her law practice. She currently is the supervising public defender for the Alaska Public Defender Agency for Nome and Kotzebue. Greene previously worked as a public defender in Bethel and Barrow. She is a member of the Alaska Bar Association, CINA Court Improvement Project, and Indian Child Welfare Act subcommittee. She previously volunteered with the Lion’s Club in Bethel, Arctic Outreach Programs with the U.S. Coast Guard, and local food bank programs.
Greene received a bachelor’s degree from Florida International University and a juris doctorate from Cleveland-Marshall College of Law.
Alaska’s superior courts are trial courts for both civil and criminal cases. They also serve as appellate courts for cases from the district courts and some administrative agencies. Superior courts hear cases involving children, domestic relations and property matters.
Greene replaces Judge Michael Jeffery, who is retiring.