Anchorage —The community is invited to visit to Brother Francis Shelter for an Open Shelter Event on Saturday, October 24th from 2:00pm-4:00pm at 1021 East 3rd Avenue.
As part of the Open Shelter, visitors will have the opportunity to receive guided tours of Brother Francis Shelter and can meet staff and volunteers.
The media is invited to see that BFS is more than a shelter. Come get a first-hand look inside Anchorage’s biggest shelter, see LaVerna Quarters the next level of sheltering, and meet BFS case managers, who are the lifeline to connecting clients to the services they need most.
Catholic Social Services’ Brother Francis Shelter (established 1982) provides temporary, emergency shelter for men and women, an evening meal, use of shower and laundry facilities, case management services, advocacy, job readiness, and referrals for employment, permanent housing, mental health issues, and treatment options for alcohol and substance abuse. Last year, Brother Francis Shelter provided 97,936 nights of stay and served 69,902 dinners to 3,417 men and women without a home. Among guests using comprehensive case management services, 30% moved into permanent housing.