Join us at the March for Science Anchorage at 10:00 AM on April 22nd 2017 at Delaney Park Strip near I and 9th Street. The goal of this strictly nonpartisan event is to celebrate the important role that quality science, education, and research has in our society. Speakers at the Park Strip will include Mayor Ethan Berkowitz, as well as a number of active researchers, educators, and prominent public policy experts. The march will last until 11:30. It will be followed by additional presentations and activities at the Anchorage Museum in conjunction with Earth Day.
The process of science, which uses objective methods to explore and understand the physical and natural world, produces an ever-growing body of knowledge. This knowledge helps secure the health, wealth, safety, and security of Alaska and our Nation. It has helped us treat and prevent disease, harness the power of the atom, explore the bottom of the ocean, and walk on the moon. Scientific knowledge gives citizens and policy-makers unbiased information and tools that help us make informed decisions about our present and future.
The Anchorage March for Science is one of over 400 satellite marches around the world. These are intended to celebrate science and acknowledge the important role it has in our society. It is part of the National March for Science in Washington D.C. Please join us, learn more, and help us celebrate and promote the value of accessible objective science, education, and research.
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