Yesterday, the Anchorage Police Department identified the man who was found dead outside a business at 3200 Seward Highway on Tuesday, but the exact cause of death has yet to be determined.
On Tuesday a call went in to APD at 2:42 pm reporting a man sleeping in a vehicle at the Meineke Car Care Center along the Seward Highway. officers responded to the scene and attempted to wake the man they thought was sleeping in the older model Chevy Blazer.
Upon closer inspection, they found that the man, who has since been identified as 31-year-old Francis Ulak, was not sleeping, but, was in fact, deceased.
APD immediately began processing the scene after finding that Ulak had injuries to his head. Police say that here is no immediate evidence of foul play, but, say that lab results from the State Medical Examiner’s autopsy may take several weeks to come back.
The vehicle Ulak was found in was determined to not belong to him and police determined that the Blazer had been parked in Meineke’s parking lot for several months.
Ulak’s family has been notified.[xyz-ihs snippet=”Adsense-responsive”]