After his double digit defeat in South Carolina, Romney took off his gloves and gave Gingrich a good trouncing in Florida today, taking home Florida's cache of 50 delegates.
Stations proclaimed Romney’s victory shortly after the polls in the western part of the Sunshine State closed. Soon after the polls opened earlier today, the outcome of this race was never in doubt. Speaking of his re-newed approach to the campaign, an approach not seen since his showing in Iowa, Romney said, “I needed to make sure that instead of being outgunned in terms of attacks that I responded aggressively. I think I have and hopefully that will serve me well here.”
Saying the race is far from over, Romney’s cheif opponent, Newt Gingrich gamely said, “I’d say June or July, unless Romney drops out earlier.” Of remarks made that his campaign is all but over, Gingrich denied that things were looking poorly for his run for the presidency, and said of the naysayers, “They’re about as accurate as they have been the last time they were wrong.”
But, Newt can look forward to more of the same as the race looks to its next stop in Nevada on Saturday. There Romney can take advantage of the strength of his organization. And that’s not all, right on Nevada’s heels is the state of Michigan, which is undoubtedly a Romney state. Michigan elected Mitt’s father to three terms as Governor of the state.
One source of Gingrich’s loss in Florida was his poor showing in the debates there. Voters by and large said that their vote was greatly influenced by the subjects covered there.
Secondly, Romney did well connecting Gingrich to the federal Mortgage lender Freddie Mac, it was that giant that many in that state believe played a crucial part in the creation of the housing crisis. Florida was hit heavily in that ongoing crunch.
Romney did not stop there but hit at Gingrich heavily on Gingrich’s less than shiney record during his time in Washington.
Romney’s campaign purses spent heavily on the campaign in Florida. Romney and his supporters spent $15 million leading up to that state’s vote. Gingrich managed about $3 million. A ratio of 5-1.
The question over Florida now is will Florida carry Romney when pushing starts for the General election?