The Alaska State Fire Marshal’s Office, in consultation with the State Forester’s Office and in accordance with Alaska Administrative Code 50.025 Fire Code, has made the following changes to the list of regions where fireworks use and sales are suspended. The suspensions are now lifted from the Northern Panhandle including Haines Borough, Municipality of Skagway, and the Juneau Borough based on Moderate to Low fire risk conditions in those areas.
Fireworks sales and use suspensions currently remain in effect in the following areas:
Fairbanks North Star Borough
Denali Borough
Kenai Peninsula Borough
Matanuska-Susitna Borough
Copper River Valley, including Glennallen south to Valdez
Tanana Valley north of the Alaska Range
Updates regarding sale and use of and fireworks suspensions status will be posted during regular business hours in the Alaska State Troopers Daily Dispatches under the heading “AK Div of Fire and Life Safety.”