Burglar Caught Red-Handed at West 58th Avenue Business Monday


Anchorage police revealed that an Anchorage man was arrested on charges of Burglary II, Criminal Mischief III, and Theft II, after a business owner on the 400-block of West 58th Avenue saw the suspect stealing from his business on Monday afternoon.

APD responded to the scene at 4:11 pm after receiving the call from the owner. The owner reported that he had been driving by his business when he saw that the gate to the fenced property was open. As a result, he stopped and saw the suspect, later identified as 38-year-old Adam D. Pringle, who had loaded several tools into a black Chevy Impala.

When officers arrived, they found Pringle standing in the yard next to the Impala with its trunk open. Officers could see several tools inside the trunk. Further investigation at the scene found auto parts stripped from vehicles in the yard stashed in a shed next to the entrance in the yard.

Pringle was arrested at the scene and his vehicle was seized as evidence. The vehicle would be searched following receipt of a search warrant.

The owner reported approximately $1,000 damage to the vehicles Pringle had stripped.

The owner reported that he did not know Pringle prior to the crime.