Nearly two years after a fatal crash that took the life of Kathleen Benz, who was visiting Alaska to attend a wedding, Alfred C Jones is being charged with second degree murder.
Jones is also charged with eight other counts, among them, criminal trespass, msiconduct involving a controlled substance, reckless driving, DUI, evidence tampering and felony assault. Toxicology reports showed evidence of oxycodone, cocaine and marijuana in Jones’es system at the time of the crash on Memorial Day weekend two years ago.
The accident occured on the Sterling Highway as Jones was traveling north towards Anchor Point on May 29th of 2010. As he traveled north, he drifted over the center line of the highway nearly colliding with three southbound drivers. They were able to avoid his vehicle however. The fourth car, driven by Daniel Fairchild, traveling south was not as lucky however, and collided with Jones.
The driver, Daniel Fairchild, as well as Bez and another passenger in the vehicle were rushed to the hospital to be treated for their injuries. Benz succumbed to her injuries two hours later.
According to records, Jones, has an extensive criminal record in Alaska, two of his 14 convictions were for DUI, he also was part of the Oxycodone ring operating on the Kenai Peninsula. He along with 16 others were charged with conspiracy for the money laundering and the distributing network in March. He received a sentence of 15 months from a Nevada court for his part in that case.
Kathleen Benz was a 25-year-old Georgetown University student.