The Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan addressed Turkey's Parliament Tuesday and launched an attack on Syria and its rulers. calling the country "a clear and present danger."
He also warned Syria of the “Wrath of Turkey.” He went on to say, “Any military element from Syria moving too close to the Turkish border that is deemed a security risk will be seen as a threat and will be a military target,” Erdogan stated, when announcing new the rules of engagement for Turkey’s army. “I am warning Syria it shouldn’t make any mistake and test Turkey.”
In an effort to stem the flow of arms being smuggled across the border into their country, Syria has been moving its troops ever closer to the border with Turkey. Turkish soldiers, until now have been under strict rules to avoid confrontation with their neighbor’s troops. It is unclear as yet what the term “too close” is going to mean in terms of Syria’s proximity to the shared border.
Although Syria has said that it warned the Turkish F-4 Phantoms of incursion into their airspace before downing the aircraft, Erdogan related out to Parliament that Syria shot down the fighter without warning over International waters.
When speaking to the Parliament, Erdogan said while ephasizing that his country is not looking for war, Syria will pay a high price, saying, “Turkey knows what it will do very well. We won’t fall into the trap of war provocateurs,” he said. “But we are not a country to sit by after the downing of our plane. We will keep our determination.”
NATO, in Brussels, signalled strong support for Turkey as well as condemned Syria’s actions.
It is reported that the two pilots are still missing.