The Alaska Department of Fish and Game released an emergency order today prohibiting the retention of King Salmon in the Kenai River Personal Use Dip-Netting fishery coming up on Tuesday, July 10th.
Any King Salmon caught, may not be removed from the water, and must be released immediately.
ADF&G says that based on the preseason forecast, that the King Salmon run on the Kenai River is expected to be below average this year. They say it is unlikely, considering the poor performance of King Salmon stocks coming into Cook Inlet and other areas of the state that the Kenai River run will be any different. The late run of Kings is likely to be low as well.
According to the release on the ADF&G site, “The 2012 late-run king salmon sport fishery was restricted from using bait in the Kenai River. Therefore, as directed by the Kenai River Late-Run King Salmon Management Plan, the personal use fishery will be managed to conserve king salmon in an effort to avoid additional restrictions or closure to the sport fishery.”
The Kenai River Personal Use fishery runs until July 31st.