KODIAK, Alaska — Coast Guard Marine Safety examiners will be in Norton Sound the week of Aug. 13 to conduct dockside commercial fishing vessel safety examinations.
Any vessels that fish commercially and operate more than three miles beyond the territorial sea baseline, the grey line on navigtion charts, are required by recent changes to Coast Guard regulations to complete a dockside safety examination.
Working with the Norton Sound Economic Development Corporation, the Coast Guard will have dockside safety examiners in the Norton Sound region to do dockside exams:
– Nome, Aug. 13 and 14
– Savoonga, Aug. 14 and 15
– Golovin, Aug. 16
– Shaktoolik, Aug. 17
– Unalakleet, Aug. 17 and 18
Dockside examinations are free of charge, and currently no penalties will be issued for discrepancies. If discrepancies are found, vessel owners will be issued a worklist and a reasonable time to correct any issues.
The goal is to bring Norton Sound commercial fishermen into compliance while minimizing disruptions to fishing.
“Our focus is to start dockside safety exams on any boat that expects to commercially operate more than three miles offshore in 2013,” said Ken Lawrenson, commercial fishing vessel safety ccoordinator with the 17th Coast Guard District. “There is no good reason to put off or delay the start of an exam. Exams are free, and there is no penalty, at this time, for discrepancies. Given the availability of Coast Guard examiners, this may be the only opportunity for some time to get an exam before enforcement penalties go into effect.”
To schedule a free exam, contact the NSSP plant staff or contact 907-321-4110.
Questions or concerns can be directed to Kenneth M. Lawrenson, Coast Guard commercial fishing vessel safety coordinator in Juneau, at 907-463-2810 office, 907-321-4110 cell or e-mail to Kenneth.m.lawrenson@uscg.mil.