"The camps can do only so much to abate the high Alaska Native suicide rate, though, Peter cautions. A youngster may return to a difficult home situation, and the risk rises again."
People can only do so much for us, if we want to do our best to stop this, WE must change things. We must listen to what People like Earl Polk are sayin, take a good hard look at ourselves, and see where we are going wrong.
“Peter says one obstacle to understanding Native suicide in Alaska is the large variation among communities. “Although Alaska Native people have high suicide rates overall, several large tribal groups in the state have rates lower than the U.S. average. We also have villages with very high numbers—an annual average of 12 individuals out of a few hundred taking their own lives, for example—next to villages with one suicide in decades.” That means there are no cookie-cutter solutions, he says. “When we go to a village, we ask how we can help.””