Significant, long-term funding has been secured for the Generations Southeast Prince of Wales (POW) Campus.
Under Alaska House Bill (HB) 148, Generations Southeast POW Campus will receive an annual reoccurring commitment of funding through the State of Alaska’s Technical Vocational and Education Program (TVEP) starting in 2025 with a initial award of $1.1MM in 2025. HB 148 reauthorizes TVEP and ensures the continuation and expansion of vital education and training initiatives across the state in essential workforce areas like construction, heavy-duty equipment operations and maintenance, and maritime navigation. Representative Ashley Carrick and Senators Click Bishop and Donny Olson were instrumental in advocating for the TVEP’s reauthorization and securing increased funding.
Last year, Tlingit & Haida announced its plans to continue serving as a regional engine that supports workforce development and community economic sustainability by expanding the Generations Southeast Community Learning Center to include a campus in Klawock, Alaska on Prince of Wales Island. The opportunity was announced following the signing of a long-term lease agreement with the City of Klawock to assume operations of the POW Vocational & Technical Education Center.
“Workforce development is essential for sustainable economic development. This funding is an investment in our future and marks a pivotal moment for workforce development in Southeast Alaska,” said President Chalyee Éesh Richard Peterson. “It supports the Tribe’s commitment to providing quality vocational and technical education that directly addresses regional workforce needs. I want to thank the City of Klawock for working with Tlingit & Haida to ensure the facility is used for the benefit of Prince of Wales Island.”
Tlingit & Haida has invested in learning and training opportunities since 1993 through the Vocational Training & Resources Center, now known as the Generations Southeast Community Learning Center (Generations Southeast), in Juneau, Alaska. The learning center is one of Tlingit & Haida’s initiatives to align education in the region with tribal values and community needs.
Charles Edwardson is a certified Alaska Vocational Technical Center (AVTEC) Instructor and the Director of the Generations Southeast Prince of Wales Campus. Finding sustainable funding for the campus has been a priority and his advocacy work has finally paid off.
“We are excited for the educational and vocational training opportunities the funding will provide not only to our tribal citizens, but also to the broader community,” said Edwardson. “I want to thank Senator Bert Stedman for answering the call and advocating for the Prince of Wales Campus to be included in HB 148. We’re bringing education closer to home for those who live outside of Juneau. I’m thrilled to keep moving forward on the good work we’re doing to support the region’s capacity to meet workforce needs.”
In addition to continuing to offer Alaska Commission of Postsecondary Education (ACPE) accredited courses, the Generations Southeast POW campus plans to install virtual reality simulators to provide realistic road time Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) training and other certified vocational trainings like maritime, small engine repair and installation, heavy equipment operators, administrative assistant, soft skills, and accounting.
For more information on Generations Southeast, visit