Kodiak-based state troopers were alerted of a vehicle crash on Puffin Drive at 7:30 am on Christmas morning.
The trooper investigation of the crash would find that a 15-year-old Kodiak resident had stolen a set of car keys from an 18-year-old Kodiak resident during the early morning hours of Christmas Day at approximately 3 am.
The juvenile took the other person’s 2007 Dodge Durango and proceeded to pick up two more male juveniles, one 16 and the other 17.
The three juveniles would drive around the Kodiak for several hours before the 15-year-old dropped the other two off.
Alaska State Troopers would find that the juvenile would continue on with the Durango and was texting and driving, at which time, he crashed the vehicle on Puffin Drive. The Durango was subsequently totaled in the crash.
Although there were no injuries in the crash, the juvenile failed to call in the crash and also told a witness that lived nearby and had observed the crash not to report it.
After an investigation of the incident, the 15-year-old would be charged with two counts of Vehicle Theft I, Failure to Give Immediate Notice of an Accident, Driving a Motor Vehicle with a Screen Device Operating, and Driving without a Valid License.
The 16-year-old and 17-year-old were contacted by the troopers and assisted in the investigation. They were subsequently charged with Criminal Mischief V.
It was also determined that narcotics was a factor in the crimes committed.
Juvenile Justice was also contacted and assisted in the investigation.