ANCHORAGE, AK – Wednesday, Alaska Native women leaders from across the state voiced their support for Senator Lisa Murkowski’s (R-Alaska) re-election. In making their endorsements, this coalition of leaders emphasized Murkowski’s ability to effectively represent a diverse range of priorities while respecting indigenous values.
“I am grateful for the leadership of Senator Murkowski, and deeply appreciate her respect for Alaska’s First People, her commitment to always vote her conscience, and her willingness to listen. Lisa’s history of decision-making reflects Alaska. Our voters are predominately non-partisan and I’m thankful for a leader who reflects that majority in her policy. The coronavirus relief bill and the infrastructure package she shepherded into law are recent examples of the big wins she has consistently delivered for Alaskans. Alaska needs Lisa Murkowski in the U.S. Senate,” said Barbara Blake, Haida, Tlingit, and Ahtna.
“I will be standing beside Lisa as she campaigns in 2022. She has always fought for Alaska Native peoples and communities. Much like Ted Stevens, Lisa works with anyone—Republican or Democrat—who will help advance health and opportunities for our people. That is the strong leadership we need in Alaska,” said Sheri Buretta, Chairman of the Board of Chugach Alaska Corporation and Native Village of Tatitlek Tribal Member.
“I respect that Lisa’s passion is with Alaska, always. As she wrestles with difficult votes, she listens to Alaskans, and does what’s right for Alaskans—no matter which party is in control. With the recent passing of Representative Don Young, Lisa Murkowski is now Alaska’s most senior voice in Congress. We need Lisa in the U.S. Senate,” said Andrea Gusty, Deg Xinag and Yup’ik.
“Senator Murkowski has long championed the rights of Alaska’s first people, our way of life, and our values. She takes time to understand issues, to listen with respect and empathy, and to have those experiences inform her deliberative decision-making. In voting her conscience, Lisa stands out, above, and apart from partisan politics. We need Lisa Murkowski in the U.S. Senate,” said Ana Hoffman, Bethel Yup’ik.
“Working in D.C. 19 years ago, I was so impressed when I saw Senator Murkowski speaking loudly and clearly on behalf of Alaska Natives on the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs. She has continued to fight courageously for everyone in our state, and as an Alaska Native woman I could not be prouder to support her,” said Joy Huntington, CEO of Uqaqti Consulting and Koyukon Athabascan, Manley Hot Springs.
“Lisa Murkowski is the hardest working person I know. She is tireless and will always put Alaskans first,” said Kathy Mayo of Eagle Village Tribe and Principal Manager of Kathy Mayo + Associates.
“Hope for a better future is Lisa working for you in Washington,” said Megan Onders, Principal Strategist of Arctic Geopolitical LLC and King Island Native Community Member.
“Senator Murkowski has always fought hard to ensure that all Alaskan voices are heard, from the far-reaching rural regions of our great state to the urban areas. That’s why we Alaskans have consistently voted to keep Lisa working for us in the Senate. Vote for Senator Murkowski, a voice of reason and experience bridging the gap and representing all of Alaska,” said Gail Schubert, President and CEO of Bering Straits Native Corporation.
“To be an effective U.S. Senator for Alaska, you need the capacity, depth of knowledge, and experience to grasp the complexity of the political and socioeconomic landscape of this state. Lisa has demonstrated all of this in her ability to effectively represent all Alaska—from industry interests to small business, from fisheries to subsistence users, from Alaska Native Corporations to Tribes, from educators to parents, from urban to rural. Lisa has an incredible gift for considering all sides of an issue before arriving at decisions that impact Alaskans. I trust and respect Lisa and she is who I want representing our children’s interests in Congress,” said Greta Schuerch, Inupiaq, Kobuk River.
“Lisa is a champion for Alaskan families and communities. As an Alaskan born and raised in Bristol Bay, a business owner in Anchorage, and as someone who works in industry, I can say without a doubt that Lisa Murkowski’s leadership in policy and appropriations literally impacts every community, sector, and family in our state. I’m proud to call her my senator and will stand with her in 2022,” said Kristina Woolston, Bristol Bay Native Corporation Shareholder.