Almost Half of State Governors Refusing any Further Syrian Refugees

image16-11-2015 15.42.39Twenty three governors have reacted to the recent attacks in Paris, and have now taken action to stop Syrian refugees from entering their states.

Governors from the states of Alabama, Arizona, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Maine, Mississippi, Massachusetts, Nebraska, New Hampshire, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas and Wisconsin have voiced their opposition to having any Syrian refugees resettle in their states, saying it is too risky to allow further influx of refugees after the attacks in Paris. 

Although restricting refugees is a legitimate concern following the discovery of a passport belonging to one of the Paris terrorists showing that he passed through Greece on his way to France, which raised concerns that he gained access into Europe as a refugee, state governors have no legal standing to block the federal government from settling refugees  from that war-stricken country, says the State Department.

Governors raising the concerns are predominantly Republican, with the exception of one Democratic governor, and all are in opposition to President Obama’s plan to accept 10,000 refugees from Syria in the coming year. Many of those same governors are asking Congress to defund the president’s policy.[xyz-ihs snippet=”adsense-body-ad”]

In the past three years, California has led the nation in receiving Syrian refugees, followed by Arizona and Illinois. Both Arizona and Illinois have now voiced their opposition to receiving any more refugees from that war-torn country.

Texas governor Greg Abbott announced on Monday that Texas will refuse anymore Syrian refugees. Abbott says that the federal government lacks the ability to conduct adequate background checks on Syrian nationals. He said in a letter to Obama, “Neither you nor any federal official can guarantee that Syrian refugees will not be part of any terroristic activity…As such, opening our door to them irresponsibly exposes our fellow Americans to unacceptable peril.”

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Abbott’s plan of refusal is seen by many as unenforceable.

In Congress, some members sought to insert a measure to block any further refugees from Syria into the must-pass spending bill on Monday. One of those members, Representative Brian Babin, said in a statement, “The terrorist attack in Paris by militant Islamists is a loud clanging alarm bell to Congress and the American people warning us why we must block Obama’s reckless and foolish plan.”

14 members of Congress had signed Babin’s letter. He intends to collect signatures until Friday.

Senator Chuck Grassley said in a Senate speech on Monday, “We cannot tell who among the thousands of Syrian refugees that the administration wishes to settle here are terrorists.”

Governors and Congress certainly face an uphill battle as the Immigration Act of 1965 banishes national origin quotas.

The roster of Governors refusing Syrian refugees is sure to grow as the discussion continues.[xyz-ihs snippet=”adversal-728×90″]

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