Anchorage Man Charged with Assault DUI in Rollover Crash North of Anchor Point

A Thursday morning rollover accident on the curve two miles north of Anchor Point landed an Anchorage man in jail on Assault III and DUI charges following an investigation at the scene.

The preliminary investigation that was initiated after their arrival at the scene at approximately 8:40 am determined that 25-year-old Anchorage resident Ryan Cotney was driving at a high rate of speed as he rounded the curve near mile 155 when his vehicle left the roadway, hit the ditch causing his vehicle to roll several times.

Neither Cotney nor his two passengers were wearing their seatbelts at the time of the incident. One of the passengers was ejected from the vehicle when it rolled. 

Both passengers, suffering serious injuries, were transported by EMS to the South Peninsula Hospital in Homer while Cotney was placed under arrest and transported to the Homer Jail on the Assault and DUI charges.