APD Investigates ‘Suspicious Circumstances’ at Northern Lights Fred Meyer

Anchorage police are seeking information in a suspicious circumstance case for an incident that occurred in the Northern Lights Fred Meyer parking lot on Tuesday afternoon.

Witnesses at that location called in a report of a woman being forced against her will into a vehicle in the parking lot just after 4 pm on Tuesday. Officers responded and interviewed witnesses and gathered evidence at the scene. 

The preliminary investigation found that an adult female was in the driver’s side seat of a green 2005 Ford Taurus when a man, only identified as adult male #1, approached the vehicle as the woman got out and walked away. Adult Male #1 took her place in the driver’s seat when another man, identified as adult male #2 walked up and got into the front passenger seat.

The two men drove to the east side of the parking lot where the woman was and the man in the passenger seat got out and walked away.

Adult male #1 then got out of the vehicle and “grabbed the female, forced her into the back seat, and then drove away.” APD said.

Police said on Nixle, “At this time it is unknown what relationship, if any, exists between the three people.  There is no further physical description at this time of any of the people involved.”

APD released the license plate of the Taurus as JLN 556, and ask the public “If you see the vehicle UNOCCUPIED please call non-emergency Dispatch at 3-1-1 (option #1).  If you see the vehicle OCCUPIED please call 9-1-1.”

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