APD Solves Vehicle Theft, Reports True ID of Suspect

On Wednesday the Anchorage Police reported that they had solved a month-old stolen vehicle investigation into a U-Haul van that had been rented and not returned and was reported on March 20th.

APD received a report of a “running van with a broken window, sheets hanging up, and a female passed out in the passenger seat,” it was revealed on Nixle. Officers responded to the location on the 4600-block of Reka Drive after receiving the report at 8:46 am. When they responded to the apartment complex there, they ran the plates on the vehicle and discovered that the plates were from another vehicle but it was the van in that March report.

Police made contact with the driver and the female passenger. The driver identified himself as Christopher Dasilva. The suspect driver exited the vehicle and as he was being cuffed, he slapped the officer’s hands away and attempted to flee on foot, but was quickly caught and subdued. He was transported to the Anchorage Jail and remanded there on charges of Vehicle Theft I and Resisting Arrest.

The female was released without charges.

Inside the vehicle, multiple debit cards and checks belonging to other people were discovered.

APD released information on the arrest at 2:23 pm via Nixle on Thursday.[xyz-ihs snippet=”adsense-body-ad”]Just under four hours later, at 6:07 pm, the Dasilva family contacted the police department to inform them that “Christopher (dasilva) had not been arrested for anything and that his identity had been stolen.”

As a result, an APD officer responded to the Anchorage Jail and fingerprints were taken on the suspect that revealed the suspect, in reality, was 29-year-old John A. Pierce. It would be found that Pierce also had three outstanding warrants for his arrest. He was charged with Vehicle Theft I, Resisting and False Information.

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