ALASKA-The new Sarah Palin Poll released yesterday shows that people that know Sarah Palin the best like her the least. The Ivan Moore Poll taken in mid-June shows that 49% registered voters in Alaska have a "very" or "somewhat" negative opinion of her, this is compared to the 39% that have a positive opinion of […]
The attack on the campaign of Newt Gingrich is continuing today as supporters of Mitt Romney are coming out publicly about their opinions on his ability to lead.
Every winter I fall into a cold temperature Funk. Part of the reason is that the sun really doesn't come up, it just kind of lazily casts a hour or two of dim light, but the main reason is that I am complete wuss when it comes to cold and I refuse to come out […]
AUSTRALIA-South Australian Museum and University of Adelaide scientists working on fossils from Kangaroo Island, South Australia, have found eyes belonging to a giant 500 million-year-old marine predator that sat at the top of the earth's first food chain.