WASHINGTON D.C.-Following after Europe's imposition of tougher sanctions against Iran and its nuclear program, the U.S. Senate voted 100 to 0 yesterday on imposing restrictions on foreign firms such as banks and institutions that disallow them from carrying out transactions in the U.S. if they continue to do business with that country's central bank. The […]
The Department of the Interior yesterday hosted an Alaska science workshop, bringing together top federal policymakers and members of the federal government's science community to discuss how to facilitate the delivery of relevant scientific information to officials responsible for making decisions related to energy development in Alaska.
As Congress tries to deal with its long list of unfinished business, among the top and most contentious items has been the proposed extension of the payroll-tax cut.
SYRIA- December 2, 2011 –The United Nations human rights chief today urged immediate action by the international community to protect the people of Syria from the Government’s ongoing “ruthless†repression, which has claimed more than 4,000 lives since March, including over 300 children.