MCGRATH, ALASKA-Pilot James "Ken" Richardson, 66, of McGrath was returning to McGrath after dropping off two hunters in the Alaska Range on Sunday when, coming in for a landing, he lost power and crashed into the Tundra. The crash occurred at 3:15 pm. His Supercub flipped on impact, leaving him suspended upside down in the […]
ANCHORAGE, ALASKA-The pilots involved in the mid-air collision north of Nightmute last Friday were boy friend/girlfriend according to reports. They had been communicating prior to the crash and had been flying together towards Bethal at the time of the incident.
In the not too far distant past and noted in our tribal history of the Haida, Tlingit and Tsimshian these tribes once traded and bartered with one another.
Republicans in Iowa, according to the last Rasmussen Reports telephone poll, are beginning to line up behind Texas Governor Rick Perry. Their telephone survey shows Perry as the first place choice for president among Republicans in the state with 29%. The poll was conducted on 862 likely Republican voters.