INDIAN-Yesterday, August the 4th, at 1:42pm, Alaska State Troopers and the Bureau of Highway Patrol responded to an accident at mile 104.2 on the Seward highway, just outside of Indian.When they arrived, they found an accident with three vehicles involved.
ANCHORAGE- Calista Corporation, The Native Corporation serving the Bering Sea Coast and owner of Alaska Newspapers, Inc. announced today the sale of five of their publications. Included in the sales were three newspapers, the Arctic Sounder, the Dutch Harbor Fisherman, and the Bristol Bay Times,and two other publications, The Equipment Shopper and the Bush Shopper.
Mike McCabe has never seen anything like it. He runs the Wisconsin Democracy Campaign, a nonpartisan group tracking the flow of money in Badger State politics—though, presently, "torrent" may be the best way to describe the state's campaign finance environment. In the run-up to next week's recall elections targeting six Republican state senators, outside advocacy […]
For years the drilling industry has steadfastly insisted that there has never been a proven case in which fracking has led to contamination of drinking water. Now Environmental Working Group, an advocacy organization engaged in the debate over the safety of fracking, has unearthed a 24-year-old case study by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency that […]