Violence continued in Afghanistan on Tuesday, with an attack near the capital and at a NATO base.
The first attack took place as a remote controlled bomb exploded on a bridge outside of Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan. The blast killed at least 9 civilians and wounded another five.
According to reports, the man responsible for placing and detonating the bomb has been arrested.
In eastern Afghanistan today, outside of a NATO base in Pul-i-Alam, in Logar Province, another bomb was detonated. This one, a truckload of explosives, failed to take any lives, but wounded 11. The Taliban took responsibility for the blast. No military was injured in the blast, local reports claim the victims were all local civilians.
Condemnation was heaped on the attackers by Afghanistan’s President Karzaia. He said terrorists who target innocent civilians during the Muslim holy month of Ramadan are neither Muslims nor Afghans, and that they will “achieve nothing but public abhorrence.”
A third bomb attack took place in southern Afghanistan today. But, no details have been available, although the coalition said one service member was killed in the attack.