Buffalo’s Carl Paladino Given Ultimatum to Resign after Obama Remarks

Carl Paladino, member of the Buffalo Public Schools Board of Education. Image-Public Domain
Carl Paladino, member of the Buffalo Public Schools Board of Education. Image-Public Domain

Carl Paladino, Donald Trump’s New York’s Trump campaign co-chair, is the subject of a Buffalo, New York School Board’s Resolution demanding that he resign within 24 hours, or face a board petition to the state to remove him, following his inflammatory remarks against President Obama and his wife Michelle.

The resolution came as a result of an interview with the alternative weekly newspaper Artvoice.

During that interview on December 23rd, Paladino said that what he would like to see happen in 2017 is that he hopes “Obama catches mad cow disease after being caught having relations with a Hereford. He dies before his trial and is buried in a cow pasture next to  Valerie Jarret[t], who died weeks prior, after being convicted of sedition and treason, when a Jihady cell mate mistook her for being a nice person and decapitated her.” He continued, saying, of Michelle Obama, “I’d like her to return to being a male and let loose in the outback of Zimbabwe where she lives comfortably in a cave with Maxie, the gorilla.”[xyz-ihs snippet=”adsense-body-ad”]These latest off-color comments are just the most recent. Earlier this year, he called for the U.S. Attorney General, Loretta Lynch, to be lynched, and has said that if the New York delegation did not vote for Trump, he’d “certainly whack them if they went off the reservation.”

The comments he made were so controversial, that the Buffalo News contacted him to ask if he really made the comments. To that he replied, “Of course I did.” After, he told the editors of the newspaper to “Go f**k themselves” for even asking if he did.

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Protests in Buffalo took to the streets in downtown Niagara Square before the protesters took to the school board meeting where Paladino is seated as a member.

Another board member, Hope Jay, introduced a resolution at the special session to demand Paladino’s resignation. She said at the meeting, that his comments reflected negatively on “the Buffalo Board of Education, the City of Buffalo and its leadership and its citizens, the State of New York, and every decent human being in America and abroad who has been shocked and offended by his words.”

The reading of Hope Jay’s resolution was met by a standing ovation.

The resolution was passed 6-2. The two votes against the resolution, were cast by Paladino allies who said an apology would be enough.

In the past, Paladino has proposed that land given to the Iroquois be reviewed then revoked, and their casinos shut down. In particular, he advocates that land that Ellicott Development Co., his own company, sold to the tribes, be taken back because the plans for hotels and restaurants by the casino are different than what was proposed and he is in direct opposition.

The Buffalo Common Council voted unanimously to call for his resignation as well, and thousands in the city have called for his removal, as has the NAACP. The Buffalo Parent-Teachers Organization is also in the process of filing an official complaint. 

Paladino insists that he will not resign.[xyz-ihs snippet=”Adsense-responsive”]