JUNEAU, Alaska—Alaska’s total employment was down by an estimated 0.9 percent in November compared to November 2016, a loss of about 2,800 jobs. Although employment losses continue, they have moderated noticeably in the second half of 2017. Oil and gas jobs were down by 7.8 percent and construction by 4.8 percent. Health care was the […]
JUNEAU, Alaska—Alaska’s total employment was down by an estimated 1.3 percent in October compared to October 2016, a loss of about 4,100 jobs. While the state continues to shed jobs, over-the-year losses have gradually slowed in 2017. The largest loss during the current downturn was -2.6 percent in fall 2016. Oil and gas employment was […]
JUNEAU, Alaska— Alaska’s seasonally adjusted unemployment rate was 6.4 percent in March, unchanged from February. The comparable national rate was 4.5 percent. Preliminary estimates show employment was down by 7,100 jobs, or 2.2 percent, compared to March 2016. Substantial losses continued in oil, construction, state government, and professional and business services, which is tied to […]
JUNEAU, Alaska—Alaska’s seasonally adjusted unemployment rate was 6.8 percent in November, essentially unchanged from October’s revised 6.9 percent. Alaska’s adjusted rate has been trending higher throughout 2016. The comparable national rate was 4.6 percent. November’s unadjusted unemployment rate was 6.6 percent, up two-tenths of a percentage point, which is a typical seasonal increase. Unadjusted rates […]