WASHINGTON, DC – Two federal resource agencies have reached an agreement in principle with ConocoPhillips regarding the company’s proposed Alpine Satellite Development Plan (CD-5) in the National Petroleum Reserve-Alaska (NPRA).
ANCHORAGE, Alaska-If it weren't for the October scare involving the Salmon Virus, the world would probably never known about the results of work done a decade earlier on the subject. It was the October revelation that the Atlantic Salmon virus had jumped oceans to the Pacific. It was then that we found out that that […]
CHUATHBALAK, Alaska-Alaska State Troopers report the fatal crash of an Inland Aviation Cessna 207 inbound to Chuathbalak from Aniak, less than 10 miles away.
GLENNALLEN, Alaska-The Glennallen couple, Jesse LeBoeuf, age 47, and Loretta Sternbach, age 52, were sentenced on Tuesday in federal court. The couple, along with Richard Weshenfelder, were indicted on charges of violations of the Lacy Act, conspiracy, as well as possession of, and trafficking in machine guns in April of this year.