Senegneq; Segnew : Black Eye Mal’ugnek segnengq’rtua, kinam tenglukiinga! – I got two black eyes, somebody hit me! (Click sentence to hear Alutiiq words spoken) There are many ways to get a black eye. Elders recall that men and boys working around swinging fishing gear were frequently bruised in the face. Others got shiners from […]
Word of the Week Lesson 16:7 Iqa’iat – Laundry (plural) Nukallpiat iqa’ineq pingaktaan’tat. – Men don’t like to do laundry. (Click sentence to hear Alutiiq words spoken) The Alutiiq word for laundry comes from the word for dirt,iqaq, and literally means “dirties.” Anyone with a family knows that laundry is a never-ending chore, but in […]
Word of the Week Lesson 16:6 Nunaquluni; Alagnarsurluni – Berry Picking Kiagmi nunaqutaartukut alagnanek. – In the summer we go berry picking for salmonberries. (Click sentence to hear Alutiiq word spoken) Collecting from the land remains a popular activity in Alutiiq communities. Spring greens, berries, shellfish, medicinal herbs, and driftwood are among the resources that […]