Cursing / Cussing — Qanerluni, Qan’rluni Katallrianga kesiin qanernilngua! (N), Katallrianga kesiin qan’rnilngua! (S) – I fell but I didn’t cuss! Swearing is universal. Whether expressing anger, insult, shock, pain, or even pleasure, people worldwide have a tendency to use colorful terms. Profanity is popular, and it is probably as old as spoken language. Latin, […]
Ice Skate — Kungkiq, Kankiiq Cuumi kungkirtaallianga unuk nangpiarluku iraluwakan. – Before, I used to ice skate all night sometimes when the moon was out. By December, many of Kodiak’s small ponds are often frozen over, strong enough to support ice skaters. Alutiiq Elders recall the joy of skating. As youths, many had homemade ice […]
Tooth-Guuteq Guutaiyataallianga mikcama. – I used to have tooth aches all the time when I was small. You can tell a lot about a person from their teeth. Genetic factors like race and environmental conditions like diet influence the shape and condition of people’s dentition. For example, anthropologists note that people of Native American descent, […]
Ancestors — Cuumillat, Cuuliallrat, Cuulirat Cuumillat lisngataallit. – The ancestors were very learned. Concepts of time differ between societies. Western cultures think of time as linear and progressive: species evolve, investments grow, technologies develop, and the past is often seen as outdated or quaint. To many Native people, including Alutiiqs, time is more circular and […]