Kasukuak – Akhiok Kasukuarmiu’ak taugkuk. – Those two are from Akhiok. Surrounded by grassy hills and tundra flats, Akhiok is Kodiak’s southernmost Alutiiq village. The present location of this remote community, ninety miles from the City of Kodiak, was settled in 1881. Additional residents moved here from Kasukuak in nearby Humpy Cove. The original community […]
Muuguaq – Watermellon Berry Muuguat amlerpianitut maani, allrani kesiin ikuutaartukut, piturnirtut. – There are not many watermelon berries around here, but sometimes we find them, and they’re delicious. The watermelon berry (Streptopus amplexifolius) is a slender, tall, leafy shrub. It grows to about three feet tall and can be found in woods, alder thickets, and […]
Qatgat – Armor Anguyatsuutet aturtaakait qatgat. – Our warriors always use armor. In addition to clubs, hatchets, spears, bows, and arrow filled quivers, Alutiiq warriors created protective gear for battle. This included armor vests. Made from narrow slats of wood or whalebone tied together with sinew, these garments covered the torso, leaving the arms and […]
Nagaayuq – Refuge Rock; Fortress Nagaayuq Ikani et’uq. – There is a refuge rock over there. To protect their families from raiders, Alutiiqs built temporary settlements at the top of precipitous cliffs and small, rocky, cliff-bound islands. These strategically located refuges were designed to repel attackers. Here, families prepared shelters and stockpiled supplies. When communities […]