This Saturday! June 21 at 3:00pm Gayla Pedersen is hosting another of her popular tours of the Ft. Abercrombie shoreline where you can learn about Kodiak’s many edible seaweeds. Bring a pair of scissors and a plastic bag to learn about responsible collecting techniques. This walk is free and open to 20 participants. Contact Marya […]
Nunam Kalikaa – Map Ikuk’gka kalikami. – I found it on the map. (Click sentence to hear Alutiiq words spoken.) The Alutiiq word for map, nunam kalikaa, literally means “the land’s paper.” Although maps and marine charts are important to modern hunters and fishermen, they are recent navigational tools. For thousands of years, Alutiiq […]
Lapaat’kaaq – Shovel Kiagmi lapaat’kaat aturtaarait uk’uruutateng asircarluki. – In the summer they use shovels to fix up their gardens. (Click sentence to hear Alutiiq words spoken.) Digging tools were important in classical Alutiiq society, both for subsistence activities and for construction. Men and women used long, pointed pieces of whalebone to dig clams from […]