Paulaq; Peluq – Ash Paulartuu’uq plit’aami. – There are lots of ashes in the stove. (Click sentence to hear Alutiiq words spoken) The Alutiiq word for ash—paulaq or peluq—usually refers to wood ash. This is the fine, grey sediment found in the bottom of a fire pit or a wood burning stove after a hot […]
Eprirturluni, P’rirca’iluni – Clean; Cleanse Plit’aaq p’rirca’iru. – Clean the stove. (Click on sentence to hear Alutiiq words spoken) In classical Alutiiq society, house cleaning was both a daily activity and a scheduled spring event. Historic sources and the accounts of Elders indicate that people swept their sod houses with brooms made of eagle wings […]
Tanqigya’arluni – Dawn (verb) Tanqigyaturtuq. – It is starting to dawn. (Click sentence to hear Alutiiq wrods spoken) Dawn is the period of early morning twilight that begins as the sun nears the horizon, lifting its leading edge into the sky. The appearance of first morning light around Kodiak changes with the seasons. In summer […]
IRafkuruaq; IRafkungcuk; WiRufkuruaq – String; Twine IRafkuruanek initalitallriit. – They used string to make clotheslines. (Click sentence to hear Alutiiq words spoken) String games like cats cradle are a popular pastime around the globe. From Australia to Asia, Africa, North America, and the high Arctic, people have long used a simple loop of string and […]