Cama’i—Hello Cama’i, Sun’amek taimaunga.—Hello, I come from Kodiak. Cama’i, a traditional Alutiiq greeting, is a friendly, welcoming word used much like the English term “Hi.” “Cama’i,” you might say as you meet a friend on the street or enter a room full of people. Alutiiq people continue to greet each other with this familiar word. […]
Last week, the Alaska Federation of Natives (AFN) conference honored three members of the Kodiak community for their service to Native people—Margaret Agnguarta Roberts, Carl Marrs, and Jim Dillard. All three have served the Alutiiq community with distinction and supported the Alutiiq Museum’s work. Margaret Agnguarta Roberts received the Hanna Paul Solomon “Woman of Courage” […]
Iqallum Nasqua—Fish Head Tang’rk’gka Iqallum nasqua suupami!—I saw a fish head in the soup! From Chile to China and Jamaica to Scotland, people recognize fish heads as a delicious, nutritious, and versatile food. Some cultures make soup with whole fish heads floating in the broth. Others simmer the heads to make a flavorful stock, or […]
Aariq—Liver Nerciquq aarimek.—He is going to eat liver. People around the world enjoy eating liver. From liverwurst to fried chicken livers people savor its flavor and texture. Alutiiq people are no exception. Elders report enjoying a variety of wild game liver. They consider seal liver the best, followed by deer liver. Bird livers and fish […]