Since I have started this blog, I have received hundreds of emails from both natives and non-natives describing their own suicide attempts or telling the stories of loved ones who have succumbed to suicide. I can honestly say that every story was very unique. Some were bullied, some were having serious family issues, others suffered […]
So a comment that a KTVA viewer made on the news story they did about this blog has really been bugging me. He stated that alcohol is our culture when it is in fact not. He also implied that it is our own culture that it is killing us.
A reader of mine brought up an interesting point. She was living in a small village where her attacker was free to roam after the crime was committed. Why are we so willing to forgive these people? Is it because we want to avoid conflict? Do we simply act as though nothing ever happened just […]
"The camps can do only so much to abate the high Alaska Native suicide rate, though, Peter cautions. A youngster may return to a difficult home situation, and the risk rises again."