Settlements have been reached between Shell Gulf of Mexico, Inc, and Shell Offshore, Inc with the Environmental Protection Agency for violations of the Clean Air Act during the brief period that they were in operation in the Beaufort and Chukchi Seas according to the EPA.
It was announced by the U.S. Department of Agriculture-Rural Development Alaska State Director Jim Nordlund on Thursday that certain areas of Alaska will no longer be eligible for rural development programs due to recent population changes.
The Rim Fire blaze that has burned 237,341 acres thus far and was previously determined to have been started by an illegal marijuana grow has now been determined to have been started by a hunter who allowed the illegal fire to escape.
While pushing another vehicle with her 1993 red Chevy pickup, 70-year-old Sharon Wiertsema was struck by a 2006 red Freightliner Tractor as it was attempting to pass her and the vehicle she was pushing at mile 87 of the Parks Highway on Wednesday night.