Christmas Morning Crash Takes the Life of One, Injures Another
Alaska State Troopers in Aniak were contacted early morning on Christmas Day and the caller reported a fatal snow machine accident in Russian Mission.
Alaska State Troopers in Aniak were contacted early morning on Christmas Day and the caller reported a fatal snow machine accident in Russian Mission.
Secretary of the Interior Sally Jewell, announced on Monday, that after a four-year analysis of the land swap, that would have allowed the community of King Cove to connect with Cold Bay and its airport facilities there, was declined.
Friday mid-morning, the Kodiak Police Department notified the Alaska State Troopers of a possible shooting that had occurred the previous night in Kodiak.
The morning hours of Monday would be marred with a fatal traffic accident on Monday when a shuttlebus and Saturn four-door collided on the Talkeetna Spur Highway.