JUNEAU – Today, the co-chairs of the Anchorage Caucus, Representative Charisse Millett (R-Anchorage) and Representative Chris Tuck (D-Anchorage), announced that Anchorage legislators will hear from the public and three invited guests on Saturday, February 23, from 9:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in the Assembly Chambers of the Loussac Library.
JUNEAU – David Guttenberg (D – District 38) was sworn in yesterday to serve his sixth term in the Alaska House of Representatives. Speaker Mike Chenault administered the oath of office during the House’s regular floor session.
JUNEAU – On Thursday, House Democrats raised concerns about the methodology and timing of the Parnell Administration’s new revenue projection model and asked Department of Revenue Commissioner Bryan Butcher to release to the public more details about its latest income projections.
Today, Representative Les Gara will highlight the potential for Alaska to be responsible for more than $2 billion in liability for the Knik Arm bridge project that proponents bill as a private project.