“What if instead of dropping nuclear bombs on hurricanes we just passed a Green New Deal and made fossil fuel billionaires pay for the devastation of climate disasters?” As he refuses to take action to combat the climate crisis, which scientists say is making extreme weather events more intense and devastating, President Donald Trump reportedly suggested […]
“The Flores Settlement is crucially important for the humane treatment of immigrant children, and Trump is again trying to kill it.” President Donald Trump on Wednesday is reportedly planning to unveil a set of rules that would terminate an agreement limiting the amount of time the federal government can detain immigrant children and families, opening the […]
“By refusing to open an impeachment inquiry, House Democratic leadership is ignoring the facts laid out by Robert Mueller at his testimony.” Intensifying pressure on Speaker Nancy Pelosi to act on her warning that President Donald Trump has sparked a constitutional crisis, 109 House Democrats have now expressed support for impeachment proceedings after four more […]
“By threatening Iran with ‘serious consequences,’ without knowing what that may entail, Britain blindly dances to the beat of [U.S. national security adviser John] Bolton’s war drums.” With the United Kingdom and Iran in the midst of a tense and dangerous standoff after the tit-for-tat seizure of oil tankers in the Strait of Hormuz, international observers are warning […]