After Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin on Tuesday missed yet another deadline to turn over President Donald Trump’s tax returns and signaled he has no intention of willingly giving Congress the documents, progressive advocacy groups urged Democrats to try to force the White House’s hand with a subpoena or a possible contempt charge. [pullquote]”Neal was stymied by […]
Sen. Bernie Sanders on Monday called on his fellow members of Congress to come together and override President Donald Trump’s veto of the historic Yemen War Powers resolution. “The president’s action is a very serious challenge to congressional authority that demands a response,” the Vermont senator and 2020 presidential contender said in a dear colleague letter. […]
“The judge’s ruling today shows that the president cannot just trample on the constitution to do the bidding of his cronies in the fossil fuel industry at the expense of our oceans, wildlife, and climate.” Preserving over 120 million acres of federal waters from exploitation by fossil fuel giants, a federal judge ruled late […]
[dropcap]F[/dropcap]ollowing U.S. President Donald Trump’s brief, unannounced, and photo-op-filled visit to American troops still stationed in Iraq more than 15 years after the 2003 invasion—which estimates suggest ultimately killed over a million people—Iraqi political leaders issued statements late Wednesday condemning Trump’s surprise arrival as “a flagrant and clear violation of diplomatic norms.” Bina, one of Iraq’s major parliamentary […]