“The judge’s ruling today shows that the president cannot just trample on the constitution to do the bidding of his cronies in the fossil fuel industry at the expense of our oceans, wildlife, and climate.” Preserving over 120 million acres of federal waters from exploitation by fossil fuel giants, a federal judge ruled late […]
[dropcap]F[/dropcap]ollowing U.S. President Donald Trump’s brief, unannounced, and photo-op-filled visit to American troops still stationed in Iraq more than 15 years after the 2003 invasion—which estimates suggest ultimately killed over a million people—Iraqi political leaders issued statements late Wednesday condemning Trump’s surprise arrival as “a flagrant and clear violation of diplomatic norms.” Bina, one of Iraq’s major parliamentary […]
[dropcap]T[/dropcap]he Republican Party and President Donald Trump have spent a lot of time issuing hysterical, racist, and evidence-free warnings about the prevalence of “voter fraud” in the U.S. as a pretext to roll back voting rights, but the GOP has been conspicuously silent after what has been described as a clear case of election fraud was discovered […]
[dropcap]A[/dropcap]s Wisconsin’s GOP-controlled legislature and outgoing Republican Gov. Scott Walker seek to thwart the will of voters by ramming through a sweeping slate of legislationthat would drastically curtail Democratic governor-elect Tony Evers’ authority and ability to implement his agenda, progressive advocacy groups announced emergency rallies on Monday to fight back against the GOP’s latest “shocking […]