ANCHORAGE – Governor Bill Walker thanked the Alaska Criminal Justice Commission for releasing its extensive report on justice reinvestment strategies for the state today. In the report, Commission members provide data-driven recommendations for the upcoming legislative session to protect public safety, control corrections spending, and invest the potentially vast savings from averted prison growth into […]
ANCHORAGE—Governor Bill Walker unveiled the New Sustainable Alaska Plan, the administration’s blueprint for the state’s economic future, and the budget for fiscal year 2017. The New Sustainable Alaska Plan retools how government powers the state economy through continued spending cuts, wealth management, new revenue and investment. “This is a major paradigm shift in how the […]
ANCHORAGE—Governor Bill Walker Tuesday made available the signed gas availability agreement between the state and two of its gasline project partners, BP and ConocoPhillips. “I thank BP and ConocoPhillips for making public the signed agreement so Alaskans can fully appreciate the significance of this project milestone,” Governor Walker said. “This agreement ensures that there will […]
WASHINGTON DC – Governor Bill walker testified before the U.S. Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee Thursday on the implementation of the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act (ANILCA) of 1980. During his testimony, Governor Walker provided the committee with the state’s perspective on the Act’s impacts, and talked about Alaska’s need to be self-sufficient […]