The House of Representatives Intelligence Committee met behind closed doors Thursday, a day after its investigation into wiretapping allegations involving President Donald Trump and his predecessor, former President Barack Obama, was thrown into disarray. Republican Congressman Devin Nunes, chairman of the panel, defended his disclosure Wednesday that legal, wiretapped conversations of foreign agents talking with […]
President Donald Trump says he thinks Republicans have enough votes in the House of Representatives to win a key vote Thursday to repeal the national health care law that former President Barack Obama considered his signature legislative achievement. Trump offered his prediction Tuesday after meeting with the House Republican caucus on Capitol Hill. The president […]
FBI Director James Comey has debunked President Donald Trump’s explosive claim that former President Barack Obama wiretapped him in the weeks before last year’s presidential election and also confirmed that his agency is investigating whether Trump campaign aides criminally colluded with Russian interests to help Trump win. “We don’t have any information that supports (Trump’s) […]
U.S. President Donald Trump says he will produce evidence “very soon” that former President Barack Obama wiretapped his Trump Tower headquarters in New York in the weeks before last November’s election. Top leaders of the House of Representatives Intelligence Committee say Trump’s allegation is unfounded, but late Wednesday he told Fox News his administration “will […]