Vic Van Ballenberghe died on Sept. 22, 2022, at the age of 78. The man who knew moose better than perhaps anyone else on Earth had stood amid their knobby legs for many springs and falls in Interior Alaska. I got to join him in the field once, 11 years ago. Here is my story […]
My friend Hal called the other day, from a parking garage in Punta Gorda, Florida. In his car he had nine one-gallon jugs of water, a red-plastic container of gasoline and a motorcycle helmet. Hal, a former Alaskan, is a hurricane expert living in Galveston, Texas. He sometimes plants himself in vulnerable places and sends […]
NEAR GAKONA, ALASKA — In this wild place where dump truck drivers once tipped load after load of gravel onto the moss to make roads and building pads, scientists rolled open an iron gate one recent Saturday afternoon. They invited in conspiracy theorists, reality-TV hosts and salmon fishermen from Chistochina to the grounds of a […]
A University of Alaska Fairbanks scientist wants to find out when the last woolly mammoth fell to the grass in Alaska. He is asking for help from an unusual source: people like you. Matthew Wooller was walking a beach in Florida last winter with his wife and two kids when the adopt-a-mammoth idea struck him. […]