JUNEAU – Monday, Senator Berta Gardner (D-Anchorage) introduced a Sense of the Senate denouncing Attorney General Jeff Sessions’ decision to rescind what is known as the “Cole memo” limiting the conditions of prosecution on state-licensed cannabis businesses. The Senate Majority made a motion to table the Sense of the Senate until March 7. “It is […]
JUNEAU – Senate Democrats introduced measures Wednesday to restore net neutrality. Senator Bill Wielechowski (D-Anchorage) introduced SJR 12, urging Congress to exercise its authority under the Congressional Review Act (CRA) to overturn the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) decision to end net neutrality. Senator Tom Begich (D-Anchorage) introduced Senate Bill 160, requiring net neutrality for Alaska’s […]
ANCHORAGE-Today, Senator Berta Gardner (D-Anchorage) announced she has prefiled legislation to raise the minimum age to marry in Alaska to 18 or emancipated minors above the age of 16. A child in Alaska currently can marry at 14 years old with the approval of a Judge. “It astonishes me that our state will allow a […]