The first volcano scientists of an international team deposited on a Southeast Alaska island by helicopter Sunday quickly learned they had an unwanted presence to contend with. A grizzly. And this one wouldn’t move from its position about 100 yards from the beach site where the scientists and their instruments were gathered. “We were just […]
Three pairs of scientists began walking purposefully on one end of a curving Kruzof Island beach on a cloudy, cool and damp Monday, then stopped to take measurements. The three teams, spaced equally apart up the roughly 500 feet from the incoming tide to the grassy skirt in front of the thick forest, repeated […]
A University of Alaska Fairbanks coastal organization has received a $590,000 philanthropic grant to map rapidly changing watersheds of the Chignik region on the Alaska Peninsula. The project is in part a response to the region’s repeated salmon fishery collapses, which researchers say are partly due to alterations to fish habitat by shoreline changes and […]
Sensors that detect changes in atmospheric pressure due to ground shaking can also obtain data about large earthquakes and explosions that exceed the upper limit of many seismometers, according to new research. The sensors, which detect inaudible infrasounds carried through the air, could improve tsunami warnings and other emergency responses while also lowering costs. Research […]