The advisor of the University of Alaska Fairbanks space engineering program is one of 20 winners of a NASA prize to expand the agency’s engagement with people from populations underrepresented in space technology. Denise Thorsen was recognized for her work in creating and expanding access to the Space Systems Engineering Program. The program is a collaboration between […]
A large find of dinosaur tracks and fossilized plants and tree stumps in far northwestern Alaska provides new information about the climate and movement of animals near the time when they began traveling between the Asian and North American continents roughly 100 million years ago. The findings by an international team of scientists led […]
University of Alaska Fairbanks researchers have devised a way to remotely detect large landslides within minutes of occurrence and to quickly determine whether they are close to open water and present a tsunami hazard. They write in a new paper that their method of determining a landslide’s location, volume and potential impact is rapid enough […]
Scientists and others from remote communities across western Alaska and northern Canada concerned about the migration of beavers into the Arctic will gather at the University of Alaska Fairbanks later this month. Attendees will share observations, knowledge and new research on the impacts of the animals’ recent range expansion. The Feb. 26-28 meeting of the Arctic […]