Fifth graders, sleeping bags, campfires, s’mores. And science. It all rolled in together, along with much more, in a NASA-supported education outreach program this year by the University of Alaska Fairbanks Geophysical Institute’s Snow, Ice & Permafrost Group and others in the Kenai Mountains-Turnagain Arm National Heritage Area. Other partners in the program included the […]
Testing a theory about cleaning up after a nuclear detonation in space and learning more about winds at the edge of Earth’s atmosphere are the goals of two NASA sounding rocket launches this month at Poker Flat Research Range. The two-week launch window for the flights opens Sunday. The University of Alaska Fairbanks Geophysical Institute […]
Alaskans and visitors may be able to see an artificial airglow in the sky created by the High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program during a four-day research campaign that starts Saturday. Scientists from the University of Alaska Fairbanks, Cornell University, University of Colorado Denver, University of Florida and Georgia Institute of Technology will conduct a variety […]
A University of Alaska Fairbanks scientist will have a role in a new NASA center that aims to greatly improve space weather forecasting and preparedness for adverse events. NASA in August announced the creation of four Space Weather Centers for Excellence. NASA’s goal is to have improved space weather forecasting models and products ready for operation […]