Many of the large land mammals, such as mammoths and woolly rhinos, didn’t survive the last ice-age. In contrast ocean mammals such as the bowhead whale, which with a lifespan of 200 years is the world’s longest living mammal, did.
THE SOLAR SYSTEM Some 4.567 billion years ago, our solar system’s planets spawned from an expansive disc of gas and dust rotating around the sun. While similar processes are witnessed in younger solar systems throughout the Milky Way, the formative stages of our own solar system were believed to have taken twice as long to […]
TEXTILE RESEARCH A piece of nettle cloth retrieved from Denmark's richest known Bronze Age burial mound Lusehøj may actually derive from Austria, new findings suggest. The cloth thus tells a surprising story about long-distance Bronze Age trade connections around 800 BC. The findings have just been published in Nature's online journal Scientific Reports.
Individuals with raised levels of an antibody known as rheumatoid factor in their blood have up to a 26-fold greater long term risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis, finds a study published in British Medical Journal today.