At 3 am on Sunday morning, a call went in to the Alaska State Troopers of a disturbance at Red Shirt Lake in Willow.
The disturbance call to MATCOM Public Safety Dispatch reported that there was a large group of people involved, and that the individual causing the disturbance had been hog-tied by the others at the scene.
The Willow Fire and Rescue Department was called on to assist the troopers, they provided the ATV transportation from the Red Shirt Lake Trailhead to the remote site at the end of the trail.
When officers arrived at the scene, their investigation revealed that two separate parties had camped at the campsite and had been consuming alcohol.
According to the trooper report, one individual at the campsite, 21-year-old Aaron Chambliss of Anchorage, repeatedly placed a man and woman at the campsite in fear of physical injury.
That was when the two parties decided that it was best to restrain Chambliss with rope and zip-ties to prevent any injuries to everyone involved until troopers could be called to the scene.
Troopers arrested Chambliss on two counts of Assault IV and transported and remanded him to Mat-Su Pretrial.